Welcome to Pinecone's Trust Center. Our commitment to data privacy and security is embedded in every part of our business. Use this Trust Center to learn about our security posture and request access to our security documentation.
Security Grades
Security Grades
We are constantly monitoring the security of our website. We will post our grades from public security rating agencies when they become available.
In response to the recently discovered LDAPNightmare Exploit, Pinecone has investigated all of our systems and found we are not vulnerable.
Pinecone is not affected by the Polyfill.io supply chain attack
Our security team has reviewed all code and can confirm no vulnerable javascript libraries or references to their domains exist.
Pinecone is aware of Snowflakes' security event. We are not a customer of their platform and have no direct impact. We are monitoring the situation and will respond to any potential exposure from our third-party service providers, should they arise.